Self service

When can you switch?

You can only switch from one health-care insurer to another at the end of the calendar year. However, there are a few exceptions.

Switching at the end of the year

You can easily switch to ONVZ at the end of a (calendar) year. However, please note the following points: 

  • You need to inform your previous health-care insurer in writing that you would like to cancel your health insurance policy. Use our handy switch service to do this!
  • You must cancel your health insurance policy before 1 January of the new year.
  • You have until 1 February of the new year to register with us.
  • Your new health insurance policy will be valid from 1 January of that year, retroactive if necessary.

Switching during the year

You can switching during a (calendar) year if you:

  • change employers and are collectively insured
  • reach 18 years of age and start living on your own
  • start paying taxes in the Netherlands and live in another country
  • are a military officer leaving the army
  • arrive from another country and start living in the Netherlands.

New employer

Changing your employer? If you were collectively insured with your old employer and decide to do this with your new employer too, you can switch immediately after starting your new job. You can also cancel your previous health insurance policy as of that date.


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030 639 62 22